
I hate things

Well another Australia day has come and gone, and at the risk of sounding unaustralian, good riddance. I'm not really going to quantify that remark. You'll have to be happy with that. I like to create controversy. I'm not into being patriotic, it seems so american. And we can't have that.

Another thing i hate is people not riding bikes properly. Either the bike is too small or the seat is too low, or, my number one hate, is people who don't know how to change gears. You've seen them. They're the ones riding along a flat road in the lowest gear possible, and their legs are moving so fast the whole bike is bouncing up and down. If thats combined with the seat too low, out comes the star knife. Thwack, take that idiot. And then i pick up the bike and throw it into the nearest drain.

This is my white PSP. Its nice and not at all like people riding incorrectly. Its has firmware V1.5 so i can, ahem, back up my games.


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