
spew and other niceties

We went down to Nowra for my mum's 60th birthday on the weekend, and on the way we saw 3 seperate incidences of people spewing. Two of the aforementioned incidents happened in Albion Park, which if you know Albion Park, is no surprise. The last chuck was at the entrance to the Fishermans Club at Geroa, which didn't bode well for the oysters available in the bistro. I use the word 'bistro' loosely, as it was really just a couple of dinner ladies throwing stuff into a deep fat fryer. Anyway, much fun was had eating. The end. Everyone survived the feast, except Toby, who had to visit the doctor the next day. My lawyer has instructed me to say that this may or may not have been caused by aforementioned ingested items. Stupid lawyer.

King: Hey have you seen my cuff? Its a bewdy!
Nick: tee hee

Normal conversation at Pete's Wedding the week before xmas.


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