
Site meter

I just looked at the site meter. This is where i can see who and how people get to the blog. Anyway, a dear reader was searching on numchucks and this site came up. Something to be proud of. Here is the link. Who the hell uses MSN search anyway?!!


I hate things

Well another Australia day has come and gone, and at the risk of sounding unaustralian, good riddance. I'm not really going to quantify that remark. You'll have to be happy with that. I like to create controversy. I'm not into being patriotic, it seems so american. And we can't have that.

Another thing i hate is people not riding bikes properly. Either the bike is too small or the seat is too low, or, my number one hate, is people who don't know how to change gears. You've seen them. They're the ones riding along a flat road in the lowest gear possible, and their legs are moving so fast the whole bike is bouncing up and down. If thats combined with the seat too low, out comes the star knife. Thwack, take that idiot. And then i pick up the bike and throw it into the nearest drain.

This is my white PSP. Its nice and not at all like people riding incorrectly. Its has firmware V1.5 so i can, ahem, back up my games.


Riding 101

Went for a ride at Redhill on Sunday. Redhill is near Brookvale on Sydney's northern beaches. It was quite hot, and i didn't drink enough water, and ended up with a headache for the rest of the afternoon.

This is Mick. He is riding down a rock. He is receiving a seat in the nads for his trouble.

This is me looking tanned and muscular. I will take on anyone with Numchucks, who says that i've used a stunt double and photoshop, to appear like i stepped off the set of Baywatch. If they used mountain bikes to save drowning victims, that is.


Where's Gary?

We went for a ride on Sunday. The first offroad ride i've done on the ol' Gary Fisher in a couple of years. In attendance where Mitch Buchanon III, King, Tony and myself. Destination: Lane Cove National Park. King's overall riding fitness shone through as he powered to the head of the pelloton, although my overall riding skills came to the fore on the rocky uphills. Anyone who says that i had a stack whilst moving only walking pace, is a damned liar and will burn in the pits of hell. Or something equivalent.

Where's Gary? Here's Gary. Looks like he's engaging in some sort of cyclical carnal knowledge, tee hee.

On Friday night i met up with old Uni mates. In attendance where Dave, Lach, Ian and moi (that means 'Me' in frenchy). As inevitably occurs when we meet, the important question of 'Where's Gary?' is brought up. Not the bike stupid...even though its a very special bike. Gary was part of the cool, 'in', computer science clique (i.e us). Some will say that computer science and cool cannot be in the same sentence. Too late, already wrote it. Anyway, i digress. Gary went into the wilderness of Wollongong and disappeared. If you see him please notify me.

Ok, i'm still in between jobs. Although i'm looking for a software developer position, i also have the option of personal training. I have to get my arse into gear and sort out my qualifications. The other option that has been suggested to me, is to write. Yes, yes, i know, writing is the sanctuary of fools and people who don't want to work. I made that up. Pretty good, even though i sounds like i plagerised some of it. Whatever. Damn lawyers and their fancy talk.


spew and other niceties

We went down to Nowra for my mum's 60th birthday on the weekend, and on the way we saw 3 seperate incidences of people spewing. Two of the aforementioned incidents happened in Albion Park, which if you know Albion Park, is no surprise. The last chuck was at the entrance to the Fishermans Club at Geroa, which didn't bode well for the oysters available in the bistro. I use the word 'bistro' loosely, as it was really just a couple of dinner ladies throwing stuff into a deep fat fryer. Anyway, much fun was had eating. The end. Everyone survived the feast, except Toby, who had to visit the doctor the next day. My lawyer has instructed me to say that this may or may not have been caused by aforementioned ingested items. Stupid lawyer.

King: Hey have you seen my cuff? Its a bewdy!
Nick: tee hee

Normal conversation at Pete's Wedding the week before xmas.


Randwick, Sydney

After some thought, and seeing that a few sad people have visited the site (even after a month after the last entry) , i have decided to continue the blog. Huzzaaaahhh, i hear you say.

For now i will post entries to this site, but will probably change the layout as we're no longer travelling.

We have moved into our new place in Randwick, right next to Queens Park (slightly different to London's Queens Park...there's no QPR for one), and are now looking for jobs. Tham is in high demand, she has 4 interviews lined up in 2 days.

This is what its all about. Coogee beach, just one of several beaches 5 minutes from where we live. People viewing this in London right now, should take a minute to look at this picture...now look out the window. Enough said.

If people leave comments i will continue further...