We went for a ride on Sunday. The first offroad ride i've done on the ol' Gary Fisher in a couple of years. In attendance where Mitch Buchanon III, King, Tony and myself. Destination: Lane Cove National Park. King's overall riding fitness shone through as he powered to the head of the pelloton, although my overall riding skills came to the fore on the rocky uphills. Anyone who says that i had a stack whilst moving only walking pace, is a damned liar and will burn in the pits of hell. Or something equivalent.

Where's Gary? Here's Gary. Looks like he's engaging in some sort of cyclical carnal knowledge, tee hee.
On Friday night i met up with old Uni mates. In attendance where Dave, Lach, Ian and moi (that means 'Me' in frenchy). As inevitably occurs when we meet, the important question of 'Where's Gary?' is brought up. Not the bike stupid...even though its a very special bike. Gary was part of the cool, 'in', computer science clique (i.e us). Some will say that computer science and cool cannot be in the same sentence. Too late, already wrote it. Anyway, i digress. Gary went into the wilderness of Wollongong and disappeared. If you see him please notify me.
Ok, i'm still in between jobs. Although i'm looking for a software developer position, i also have the option of personal training. I have to get my arse into gear and sort out my qualifications. The other option that has been suggested to me, is to write. Yes, yes, i know, writing is the sanctuary of fools and people who don't want to work. I made that up. Pretty good, even though i sounds like i plagerised some of it. Whatever. Damn lawyers and their fancy talk.