
Beijing town land

Well, you know what i said before about us taking train? Well, we didn't. I'm a lying liar. Its a long story, but we ended up missing the effing train. In China, they have this system at train stations where everyone waits in a massive waiting room and they call the people in when the train is ready to go. This is probably because you'd have around 3 million people waiting on the platform, most of them falling onto the track and being ground into mush by an oncoming train. Anyway, we were waiting and they didn't call for our train, or maybe they did, but we can't understand chinese, can we. At this point we were ready to kick some stray dogs, if they hadn't already been eaten, so we decided to get a flight to Beijing instead. It worked out alright because we got a really cheap flight, which only took 2 hours instead of the intended 2 days by train!

We've been to the Imperial Palace today. Not much to tell you other than the fact that locals don't pay as much as foreigners to enter. Rort! Thats the thing about this country, they take every opportunity to try and cheat foreigners. And, when they get found out and you argue, they get pissed off. Its like their god given right to cheat you or something...anyway <>

Apparently there's a Starbucks actually inside the Palace! A lot of money passed in hands in the deal! We couldn't find it though...

The Imperial palace itself...according to the info onsite, they place was burnt down like a hundred times and rebuilt.

This is some chinese break dancers in Xian. Err, yeah. I was doing this shit when i was 11 in 1982 to music from Electric Boogaloo! The picture is of a guy sliding around on his arse. Nice!

The terracotta warriors just out of Xian. Nothing funny here, move along.


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