Back in New York
Ok ok, i know that we haven't posted anything for a while, but its been a bit difficult (suprisingly) to find a net cafe in NY!
Anyway the story continues...
We stayed in London for a couple days and then went down to Bogner. Not much to report here other than we tried to relax and do a few last minute administration type things before we left the UK for good.
We flew out of Gatwick onto Toronto. You may or not know that a couple of years ago we went to the west coast of Canada, so when we touched down this time, we were treated like deadset locals. We visited the CN tower, which is the tallest thingy in the woooorld, and then had some YumCha (dim sum) at the local china town.
From here we went by train 2 hours to Niagra Falls. Think of a small version of Las Vegas and you have an idea of what Niagra. Did all the usual things like walking behind the falls and the maiden in the mist boat thing.
We then travelled nearly 12 hours by train to get to NY...
...have to continue this story a bit later...
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