
The end of Europe..for Nick and Tham

Finally tomorrow is our last day in Europe which we will spend getting out of our dodgy hotel as early as possible (Tham's travel tip (which now shall be referred to as TTT) - TTT #1 - don't stay at the Quentin Arrive Hotel) and locking our luggage at the train station before we head to my old mate Van Gogh's Museum.

As Nick has hinted I'm looking forward to getting out of Europe however much I've enjoyed it. As we are pressured to visit half the world before getting home for Christmas (and Pete's wedding which we can't wait for!) we didn't get to visit Egypt or Jordan - maybe next time.

Amsterdam is great if you like sex and drugs but for nice girls like me, I'd prefer to visit the museums and get the hell out. Today we visited the Anne Frank House which although were crowded with German 16 year olds on a school trip who were only interested in the secret staircases, it was still a pretty moving experience especially where Anne pasted clippings of images she had that made her happy e.g. movie stars, babies etc. Then we whisked through the red light districts and then had dinner. Sheesh if I was a guy I wouldn't be tempted as well.

So from Turkey to Greece, Italy to Switzerland, France to Spain to France, Belgium to Amsterdam and then to London tomorrow evening. Hopefully we'll have energy to see the Swans beat the Eagles at 5am on Sat morning. We'll be off to Toronto after a few days and new adventures await.

By the way I have been practising being assertive by telling off every Italian, Spanish and French who have tried to cut in front of me in queues (cos they love queueing in Europe). It has worked wonders and will put me in good shape when I meet the Soup Nazi in NY.

Oh and congrats to Paul and Toby who are engaged. That's two Bacchuses weddings in one year(the other is Kate's) - who would've thought!

See you in Toronto.


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