
The Surf Today

Huge surf came up last night. This morning its even bigger. So big that they were towing in to the larger waves with jetskis, ala Hawaii big wave riding styley. I was going to join them but i didn't have the right equipment (ie a jetski and a heart as big as Pharlap).

Crowd looking over Tamarama...right out back is someone being towed into a beast

Largish waves: looking south at Bronte and waaay over is coogee

Jetski-er towing corpse into shore

That dot on the wave is a jetski


New and improved

Hasn't been an entry for a while, so as i always say, get over it.

Anyway, the latest and greatest installment of us riding good is here:


And yes, its jam hot!


Post 100

Another milestone has been achieved in my illustrious career as a blogger...100 entries. It seems like only yesterday that we were packing to leave london etc.


Some said it wouldn't last. I killed them ninja style (did i do it any other way?).

Anyway, I rode down to La Perouse yesterday afternoon. All well and good i hear you say. Well, no. I heard this morning on the news that a convict escaped Longbay prison yesterday afternoon...just as i was riding past there! Had i come across him, i would have ninja-ed his sweet ass to the road, etc etc blah blah...numchucks...blah blah....star knife to spine....etc etc.

As some people may be aware i like to rant about various things. Today it shall be about the Commonwealth games. What is it about the australian media's insistence on knicknaming everyone? 'Madam butterfly', was given to Susie Oneil...she swam freestyle...logic! 'Superfish', Kieren Perkins. Just plain dumb, and i hate Kieren Perkins. Why you ask? I don't need a reason. 'Thorpedo', Ian Thorpe...ok this ones ok. I think a guy was named 'Goldfish' but i don't think it stuck, because he was shit in the pool.

Why don't we name some of them something interesting? Like 'cyborg dolphin guy'. Or 'swim really fast lady'. Or 'you better win or you're un-australian man'. Personally i like 'Mediocre luke warm never going to get anywhere swimming fella'.


Fitness punks

I don't have much to say other than i went for a 2nd fitness assessment today at the gym. The first one was 6 weeks ago. If you know anything about VO2max, i went from 36 to 49 (fair to excellent). Basically its the max amount of oxygen your body can consume. The higher it is the fitter you are. Resting heart rate went from 73 down to 53. I have a long way to go before i get to Trevor Hendy's (reputed) heart rate of around 20 (beats per minute)!

An anomoly occured with the measurements. I am fitter but fatter. My body fat percentage increased! I smashed all the equipment in the office. Is it working better now punk? Then i dispatched the trainer with a Vulcan karate chop to the neck, because he answered wrong.


Heath Ledger mountain biking

Last night there were 3, yes 3, Heath Ledger movies on tv. Not that the networks get together and decide what we should view, no siree. It was just a coincidence then mr television program decider guy, that all the movies were shite. And then they wonder why ratings are down. I blame society.

We went for what is now a traditional sunday morning ride today. Here is some of what we got up to. Its jam hot, i tell you. Jam hot.


If you missed the original Freestyler mtb video, then shame on you. You will have to ask me nicely for a link to it. It is also jam hot.


Eating with the aid of a straw

Yes, its been a long time since the last update, but you know, get a grip its only a blog. So many people hang on every word i say, its not funny.

Haven't been doing much, i'm still waiting for Fitness NSW to register me as a personaly trainer. I just rang them and i asked why it takes so long...'oh you know, we have to log you into the database, and send out papers and stuff' ....riiiight, and that takes 2 weeks?

Anyway, it was Tham's birthday on the Tuesday the 7th. I gave her a trip to a day spa as a present, and then we went to a french restaurant in Paddington. It was alright, but i really wanted to goto Tetsuyas. Unfortunately, it was booked up for 6 weeks on a weekday, and 6 months for a friday or saturday! I don't know about you, but i have a problem with having to know that i want to goto a restaurant in 6 months time (err you know what i mean). Anything could have happened by that time. For one, i might have been disfigured in the mouth region, in a ninja fight, and unable to eat without the aid of a straw.

Tetsuyas: 'no reservation for 6 months, punk'
me: 'But anything could happen in that time! For one, i might be disfigured in the mouth region, in a ninja fight, and unable to eat without the aid of a straw.'
Tetsuyas: 'no'
me: 'Don't make me come down there with numchucks'
Tetsuyas: 'ok you're in'

Job done.