
Hoi An

We took a bus yesterday from Hue to Hoi An. Here is waht happened.
Get up at 6.30am
Waiting for bus outside hotel at 8am
Man rides past on moto at 8.30am and says to wait on street.
Mini van comes and picks us up from street at 8.45am and takes us to the bus office.
Wait at office until 9.15am, then another man says wait on street.
We can see the bus 100m away down the street, but takes a further 15mins to get to where we are.
Finally get on bus at 9.30am, then wait a further 20 minutes as driver has a smoke, a cup of tea and chat with his mates.
Leave Hue at 9.50am nearly 2 hours late.
We drive for 1 hour before we stop for a break. Breakstop is owned by Bus company.
Driver says we will leave in 30 minutes. One hours later we get going.
We drive another 20 minutes and stop in Denang for 15 minutes while 2 passengers get on and the driver has another smoke, another cup of tea, and a chat with mates.
We get going again, this time we only drive for 10 minutes before we stop for another break. I think the driver wants a piss for all the tea he's drunk at previous stops. Driver say's we'll leave in 30 minutes. No one believes him this time and stays near bus.
Forty five minutes later we leave the tourist stop (where you could buy marble stautes and other shit).
We drive a further 30 minutes and finally arrive at Hoi An at 2pm in the afternoon. I stab the driver in the heart and go on my way.

...what can you expect for 2 bucks each...

Today, we ordered some tailor made clothes which we pick up in 2 days. At around a tenth of the cost of making stuff in western countries its a pretty good deal.

Off to the pool now, and then to the beach.


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