Adventures of Nick and sometimes Tham currently learning ninja skills with IronChef
Follow us to adventure in far off lands, and blah blah blah...I'm in Sydney now and Tham's in Singapore, next stop Osaka!
Update finally!
Ok so i've been slack, but you know what, get over it, i've been busy...
These are the pics so far:
Anyway, this whole thing started on Thursday when i caught that excellent airline that is Jetstar.
Two hours on the tarmac, 9 1/2 hours in the air, 2 hours trying to navigate the stupid arse subway system of Sapporo and i was finally able to meet up with Tham.
Must sleep now, so will continue the story tomorrow.
Btw, we had the best day snowboarding and skiiing EVER today. Powder. Minus 12 degrees. Nuff said.